Shankh Mudra – Steps – Benefits


Shankh Mudra

Shankh is the Indian name for conch. Conch Shell is traditionally used in Hindu temples for worship. Conch Shell is blown to create pure sound vibrations.


  1. Sit down in the Padma Asana or Lotus Pose. Keep your back straight and calm your breath.
  2. Close your eyes and visualize that you are sitting amidst a blue sea of calm water.
  3. Raise both your arms in front of your chest
  4. Encircle your left thumb with the fingers of your right hand
  5. Let the thumb of the right hand touch the middle finger of the left hand.
  6. Chant ‘Om’ several times. Then listen the echo within yourself.


  • Shankh Mudra is good for ailments related to Vishuddhi Chakra or Throat Chakra. Vishuddhi Chakra is the energy center in the throat area.
  • It tones up the throat, the airways, and the lungs.
  • Mudra along with Yoga is beneficial to treat chronic conditions like Ashthama.
  • Beneficial in Voice and throat problems
  • If you ever get throat infection during chilly or rainy weather, then use shankh mudra to get rid of throat infection.
  • It also balances the Thyroxine secretion from Thyroid gland
  • It relieves stammering
  • It also helps to calm and center the mind.
  • shankh mudra reduces the pitta effect and increases the vatta and kapha humors in the body.

Duration:- Practicing the Shankh Mudra for 45 minutes, or 15 minutes, three times everyday is strongly recommended.




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 Mudra Healing Loss of voice, Shankh Mudra - Steps - Benefits, stammering, throat problem, thyroid problem

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